Using and taking care of your Reusable Makeup Pads

1. Apply your favourite cleanser

To remove your makeup, smooth some coconut oil or your favourite oily or soapy cleanser over your face with your fingertips, massaging it in gently

2 & 3. Let your makeup melt away

Run a clean makeup pad under your hot tap carefully then wipe off the cleanser using the pad. Any mascara you've been wearing will literally just melt and can be wiped away without excessive rubbing or pulling or the skin.


4. Freshen up

Take another clean makeup pad, run under the cold tap and use it to gently refresh your face and wipe away any lingering makeup that may have survived the warm wipe. This will leave your face feeling fresh and clean.

5. Chuck them in the wash

Once you've used your pads, pop them in the next wash you have going on, they don't need to go in a mesh bag.

6. Drying the pads

At Cheeky HQ we like air drying our products, but our makeup removing pads are safe to go in the tumble dryer too!

Top Tips!

Get the most out of your Cheeky Makeup Removing Pads:

  • Stored the pads dry and clean in your trug or bag ready for use.
  • White pads can be washed at 30-60℃ while coloured pads with should be washed at no more than 40℃ - which is more than adequate to get them clean
  • Never soak your makeup removing pads in bleach or harsh stain removers as this will both damage them and it may also irritate your skin the next time you use them! Ouchy!
  • Unlike other Cheeky products it's absolutely fine to use fabric softener with these to leave your makeup pads extra soft!


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